Sunday, 24 September 2017

Idols and Loopholes

We heard a sermon today on Idolatry.  You’d think we don’t have golden calves in this day and age but it’s surprising what we exalt above God in our daily lives without batting an eyelid about it.  We are as much of an idolatrous people as the Israelites were.  It just manifests itself differently in the world we live in.

The message came from a Minister who had walked away from his pulpit because he disagreed with the direction the church was taking and he could not be part of it.  He could have put his wife and young family first and stayed where he was, in order to continue to provide financially for them.  But he stepped down, and is now seeking God’s will as to where He will lead next.  How easy it would have been to use the idols of finances, or family, or the history he had at that particular church, to try to justify staying there.  To put those things first, over and above clear biblical direction to move on and have no part of it. 

The Lord plainly tells us to have no other gods before Him.  It’s not optional.  He doesn’t allow it on any level.  Even good things, gifts directly from the Lord, can become idols when we elevate them to a place not meant for them.  Our spouse.  Our children.  Our job.  Our financial standing.  Our wardrobe.  Our car.  Our appetites.  Our church.  Anything that causes us to neglect our relationship with Christ, is an idol whether we like it or not.  We excuse the bad behaviour of our spouse or child because we don’t want to address it.  We get caught up in our careers and become defined by them.  We are always chasing the next pay rise, more designer clothing, the bigger car, the best food (and a whole lot of it).  We even put our churches on pedestals believing that they can do no wrong, when in actual fact we don’t take the time to examine their doctrine to see if they are in line with the Word of God, or if we just agree with everything because that’s the way it’s always been done.  That is incredibly dangerous. 

The Law of the Lord is perfect.  There are no loopholes.  If you think you’ve found one, the chances are you will just end up hanging yourself on it.  

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